Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Gator Aid

It wasn't just the big men who won it. It was also those "little" guys on the perimeter who continually sank three footers following Buckeye rallies in the second half that, effectively, sunk Ohio State in the NCAA Men's Basketball Championship game Monday night.

In last year's final, I was so impressed with Joakim Noah's dominance on the court, smashing the record for blocks and intimidating the Bruins throughout. I was even more impressed with Noah and his teammates for coming back this year to try to win back to back. They did not disappoint.

But this year, though the big men, Noah and Horford, still dominated on defence (and Horford on offence, in leading the team in points and rebounds), it was those deadly accurate outside shooters, Green, Brewer and Humphrey who seemed to really put Thee Ohio State University away, in collectively sinking 10 three pointers and scoring 43 points. It was just beautiful to behold.

Equally beautiful for me is the lasting image of Noah winding his way up through the crowd after the final whistle to embrace his mother. They hugged and hugged and hugged. What a moment.

Thank you, Noah and the rest of the Gators, for such a great season, and for dominating the Final Four. And thank you, little guys, for your superb aid in bringing the championship back to Florida.

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