Monday, April 16, 2007

The Phantom Physician

My wife and I have been blessed to find a terrific family physician (yes, two married people still make a family!) upon our move to Calgary. We have placed our collective trust in Dr. Alex. He always takes lots of time to listen to our multi-problems and to offer his wise remedies. As a bonus, he also tells good jokes (and laughs heartily himself).

Dr. Alex is only available at the Asian Medical Centre on 16th Avenue on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. That has worked fine for us until this week, when I needed to see him on a Monday. The good doctor had told us that he has a separate clinic on the southside and helps out with the busy clinic on the TransCanada twice a week.

I figured that I could contact Dr. Alex at his regular clinic to see if I could get in there on short notice. The problem was, I could not locate him or the other clinic. In the various diretories in which I searched, I could not find the clinic he mentioned in the location he mentioned. I could not even find his name in any of the various directories of Calgary physicians.

Stymied, I telephoned the Asian Medical Centre to get his phone number. However, the receptionist told me that they don't have his phone number either. Fortunately, I was granted an appointment with another doctor at the centre, on short notice.

What do we make of this doctor, the phantom whose name, number and clinic location are apparently unascertainable from Sunday to Tuesday, and Thursday and Friday. I can vouch that he does exist, but maybe on his non-Asian Medical Centre days and nights he moonlights as a caped crusader somewhere in the city, standing for truth and justice in the Calgarian way.

All I can say is: I appreciate Dr. Alex, the best kept secret in Calgary.

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