Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Admiration for America by a young Canadian boy; untitled poem written circa 1966, age eleven

The British were awaiting at Boston
They were going to Concord to seize the ammunition
And Paul Revere, who was a patriot, helped find out that plot
So he saddled his horse and waited many a night
And watched the church tower for a light

And on April 18th, he saw a light, shining bright; it was midnight
Then he spread the news to
The minutemen who
Shouldered a gun
And the Revolutionary War had begun

Now Revere was a soldier all during that game
And his midnight ride had brought him fame
And this is the end of my story
So I hope that you will see
How Revere helped bring victory
And start a new country

PS: For other possibly even better poetry on this subject, you can google Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Note: Illustration found at

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