Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go ...

The morning after my arriving back in Saskatoon, and during a blizzard, our team packs many bags destined for Niger. Lap top computers, food supplies, crafts, mosquito tents, soccer balls, soccer jerseys, games and french books are crammed into 12 large duffel bags and then weighed to ensure staying within the 44 pound limit.

The packing session is followed by a pizza supper for the team members and their significant others. It was (and is) so neat to have people praying for us. It will be tough to say good-bye to family members on Boxing Day, but the two and a half weeks will likely go fast for everyone.

I am greatly moved by yet several additional generous donations on my behalf. I was also blessed to receive the benefit of other surplus donations to this missions trip. I remember talking to our leader in late August about financial support for our venture and we concluded that God would supply our needs. Thank you to God and thank you to each of you beautiful people who have sacrificed in your own financial situation to help me with this missions trip. I know God will bless you.

Only a week from now!

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