Sunday, July 9, 2006

First Night in Cowtown

Interesting experiences one has when one flies, busses and drives all in the same day, and survives a 20-minute violent hailstorm, followed by extreme flooding in a strange city that one will soon call home. Up early to fly WestJet to Calgary with my second daughter who helps me find my way to the city transit, including the C-train. Then bombing around town in a borrowed Sebring and hauling a new lawn mower to our new house on the hill. After picking up a new PT Cruiser, we dine at Olive Garden, leisurely. After that all **** broke loose.

Calmly sitting in the new (previously owned) Cruiser in the Marlborough Mall parking lot, it begins to rain. And then hail. I have been around for quite awhile and witnessed quite a few hail storms in my time, but I don't recall seeing it hail for 20 minutes straight. The poor Cruiser (affectionately christened "Mikey" by my daughter, after a favourite English footie star). I was sure the car would be severely dented. Once the hail subsided, leaving "snowbanks" around the parking lot, we attempted to leave. It was quite a challenge to find some higher ground in the ocean that surrounded us. Eventually we forded several streets and made it to yet other malls in search of mattresses for that night's sleep in the new (previously owned) house on the mountain.

It takes several stops and some persuasion, but we finally procure sufficient cash to haul away two beauties, a foam and a futon. The second mattress is actually partially draped over our heads as we drive away from United Furniture Warehouse, who took pity on two tired travellers by allowing us to take the mattresses for cash, even when their system was down because of the storm. Following some quick shopping for blankets in another furnishings store after closing, we were finally ready for bed in the house on K2. Whew! What a day in Cowtown!

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