Tuesday, January 16, 2007

At the Musee de Niger

"Who are all these guys sticking these leather boxes in my face?" While many of our group surveyed and handled the display of fabric on a sidewalk in the Musee, I stood to the side, feeling very uncomfortable. I had paid 1,000 CFA to be admitted into the Musee to see some of Niger's exotic animals, only to be surrounded and hounded by numerous salesmen. Fortunately, it was Mike to the rescue.

Mike and I managed to sneak away, and wandered off to see the beloved hippos, the funny monkeys, some impressive lions and the unusual uranium museum. All very interesting. We also saw the remnants of probably the only tree in the Sahara, that some British adventurer had managed to drive over and kill. This was all fascinating, and such a welcome relief from the box merchants.

I then accompanied my host into a shaded restaurant area where we enjoyed some soft drinks. However, one of the sales dudes hovered near the exit, waiting for my departure. Previously, I had hopelessly undernegotiated with him the price of one of the larger boxes, leaving our potential transaction hanging. When the moment seemed right, he pounced into my personal space and sold me the box at the price I had offered. I was happy with my great deal.

Later at our compound, I began admiring my purchase while comparing it with another box I had procured earlier in the day for the same price. Somehow, the box from the Musee was smaller than the one I had bought previously. "Wait a minute... it's smaller... I just hate being taken." So much for a great deal.

Just another day at the Musee de Niger.

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