Monday, August 18, 2008

"I did it for love..."

...what more can I say? It was a wonderful wedding day for nephew Ben and his bride, Stephanie. At the nifty backyard reception, we were treated to vinyl album 1970s music. Just cool. But even the best planned musical experiences can turn a little ugly.

The emcee introduced the process by which it would be determined which table would go to the buffet next. He explained that, after he put on a new song, the first guest to come up and give the name of the song could take their table to the buffet. I had no clue on the first few songs, but suddenly, one came on that was familiar.

I took off running in my suit and dress shoes, hearing someone breathing down my neck all the way to the head table. As I arrived I blurted out: "I did it for love," the title of any old song by a '70s group called Harlequin. All of a sudden I heard a feminine voice behind me say "Harlequin...I did it for love." That's when I got mad.

The emcee detected that he had a dilemma, but I made sure I made it worse for him. His first reaction was to declare the woman behind me the winner because she gave the name of the group, ignoring the fact that she was not the first one there and was not the first one to give the name of the song. I protested: "But you said all we had to do was give the name of the song!" By now the wedding table was turned, wondering what would happen next.

The emcee finally decided to let both tables go, especially since my opponent had only her and her partner at her table and we had only six out of eight at our table. I high fived the other competitor as we headed off. I was slightly embarrassed that I made an issue of it, but the literal lawyer came out of me suddenly. My table was pleased with my effort, as I took one for the team.

The highlight for me of the entire day, was the bride's wedding vows. She pulled a Rene Zellweger when she began her vows: "Ben, you had me at 'hello'". It was very moving.

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